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Figure 5 | BMC Pharmacology

Figure 5

From: Pharmacogenetic heterogeneity of transgene expression in muscle and tumours

Figure 5

Luciferase transcripts in mouse muscles after intra-muscular injection. Quantification of the luciferase mRNA in the muscle of the mice injected with 3 109 iu Ad Adapt Luc by Northern blotting. These data refer to the muscles as depicted in Fig. 4. The RNA was extracted from a homogenate of the whole gastrocnemius and a northern blot was performed. The density of the bands was determined with a phosphorimager. Mean values ± SD, depicted on the figure, are expressed in arbitrary units. The mouse strain is indicated on the figure. Lane 1–6, 9–13, 16–20, 23–26, 29–33, 36–39: animals injected with Ad5 Adapt Luc. Lane 7–8, 14–15, 21–22, 27–28, 34–35, 40–41: animals injected with 3 109 iu Ad5 Adapt Empty. Lane 42: negative control plasmid. The amplicon product is 310 base pair. The density of the β-Actin transcripts bands was also quantified and proved to be similar in all the animals (825 ± 74).

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